An engine running on dirty oil won't last. Keep it clean with ELEMFIL Filters. They help to capture harmful contaminants that can harm your engine; before they affect the performance and life span of your engine. An Oil Filter should not just filter engine oil but should do it with a high level of efficiency without blocking oil flow and should preserve its quality for sufficient period of time. Efficiency very much depends on the quality and size of filtration media. |
Can type oil filters are used mainly for filtering oil in engines.However,in modern engines these filters are less popular. Previously important advantages such as good resistance to damage and easy replacement of used filters, practically with no risk of oil system contamination are not the priorty anymore,presently the ecological aspects, especially easy filters utilization are more important in this respect,modern filter cartridges installed in dismountable casings are better.
Apperance of can type oil filters is very similar, but the internal construction features for this group of filters must be optimally selected, to assure efficient operation in the engine oil system. |
The high capacity engines often have oil systems with two types of filters.One full flow-all
the oil pumped flows through while the second is built into the system in parallel and about 10% of oil flows through it. This oil after being purified goes back into the oil tank.The full-flow functions as a coarse filter |
while the by pass filter is the fine filter in this system.In the oil system, centrifugal filters are often applied as by-pass filters, where contaminants are separated from the oil in the centrifugal field of force. Filter are also used, made with a medium of special fabrics or filtering papers. The characteristic feature of by-pass filters with the medium is the amount of oil reduction during exploitation, which results from flow resistance increasing during the filter medium blocking.
In some engines with full flow/by-pass oil system, the can filters with two filtering cartridges(full-flow &by-pass)are applied. Such integrated filter systems take less space and its re-placement is much quicker. The oil flow is divided in such filters into the main flow directed into the engine and by-pass flow, which after proper purifications flows back into the oil tank. |
Specially, the high capacity diesel engine use the combination type oil Filter the oil from the oil pump is not split.All the oil from the pump is sent to a filter,where is
passes through the full flow element and then by-pass elements provided.After being filtration,the oil flows in
the same way as the full-flow type.Employs a special structure that provides internal oil pressure difference to allow both the full flow and by-pass elements to maintain
their specified filtering ratio.
In addition to its conventional oil filter line ELEMFIL offers a wide range of environmentally friendly oil filters for various vehicle applications. During servicing, only the filter element is replaced in these vehicles while its internal components are not required to be changed for the whole lifespan of the vehicle. |